Encaustic Painting
Encaustic painting, also known as hot wax painting, involves using heated beeswax to which colored pigments are added. The liquid or paste is then applied to a surface—usually prepared wood, though plaster, paper,canvasand other materials are used. Tools and special brushes used to shape the ‘paint’ before it cools. Because wax is used as the pigment binder, encaustics can be sculpted as well as painted. Other materials are encased or collaged into the surface, or layered, using the encaustic medium to stick them to the surface. The more you look the more you will see.
This centuries old medium has fast become one of the hottest mediums for artistic exploration. Liz Cutler will guide you step by step to inscribe words, include map selections, use unique papers, botanicals or bring your own flat treasures to imbed into the beeswax /varnish medium.
All levels welcome!
Members $55. Non Members $65